# Account

# Reseller & Sub-Reseller

You can create the Reseller and Sub-Reseller account for help sell your live stream and VOD contents. Go to the Account > Add Account page and use the Role option for specify the Reseller or Sub-Reseller account you want to add.

# Account Rules

  • Only the administrator account can add Reseller and Sub-Reseller account.
  • The Reseller account can add Sub-Reseller account only.
  • The administrator has infinite credits, you can transfer the credits to Reseller and Sub-Reseller account, also the Reseller can transfer credits to Sub-Reseller.
  • The Reseller can only see the Sub-Reseller they added.
  • Both Reseller and Sub-Reseller can only see the user they added.
  • Cancel the user package will send the remaining credits back to the owner account.